It's still "September, and I;m back to the blog. Memories of the Gaspe Peninsula are fading a little. Did I mention that it proclaims itself, in typically modest Canadian fashion, as the third most beautiful spot in the world? Wonder what the first 2 are. Been busy this month, staying up late and sleeping late, and neglecting the park, sorry to say.
My daughter got married on Sept. 19. She did the planning, but I helped, especially with the crafty stuff: making a flower girl basket, 36 jars of homemade chocolate sauce for the out-of-town-guests gift bags, huge paper flowers, the wedding shower, lots of emotional support and reassurance about everything will be great, etc. etc., and more social activities than we usually engage in. I know everyone says it, but she was an incredibly beautiful bride, it was a remarkably beautiful wedding, and they are a great couple. I don't really believe in the idea of "soul mates," but if there is such a thing, they seem to be it. Lots of out-of-town guests to visit with. My niece and nephew came in from Milwaukee with their two daughters. The 4 year old was an unbelievably adorable flower girl. She had a basket with glitter confetti to sprinkle down the aisle, and afterwards she stood in the receiving line with her basket, making sure that every single guest got a piece of confetti.
So now, the festivities are over and I'm back to the park. Enjoying every minute. JJ has been doing substantially less running without the two of us, so we made sure she did a lot of it today. Ber and I go in different directions around the meadow (Peninsula today), and call JJ so she runs back and forth. Using those border collie herding instincts to the best advantage! Then throwing sticks into the lake for her to fetch and cool off.
The swan family is back in the big lake, happily eating all kinds of greenery. They let me get quite close, and the cygnets each have a few white feathers. The lone singleton was on the other side of the lake. Saw Ed and Anne, who think that the singleton is actually the grandfather. The two singletons who were here a few months ago were from the last swan hatching, coming back to their birthplace to visit for a while, as swans do. Anyway, Ed and Anne said they saw Grandpa a few days ago giving flying lessons to the cygnets, while Mama and Papa went off on their own for a while.
Also saw Tony from FIDO, who says there's talk of allowing more leash-free areas for dogs, since the dogs will make the geese unwelcome and keep the numbers down. Apparently they had RENTED dogs scaring away the geese in Central Park some time ago. Why rent when there are lots of Brooklyn dogs ready, willing and able to do the job?
It's good to be back.