It was a beautiful early summer day today, and the walk in the park should have been filled with joy. The growth is lush and rich and green. The tennis courts are outdoors again - they took down the blow-up building that covers them in the winter. Sun shining, dogs running, but there are more dead animals than ever. Something is seriously wrong with the Prospect Park lake, Haven't seen a live gosling yet, but have found 3 dead ones. Another dead turtle - not decapitated or eaten, just dead. Another dead raccoon, a dead possum, and lots of fish. All right next to the lake water. Allegedly, the Parks Dept. tested the water weeks ago, but no results have been released, and I'm sure they won't be. What do you expect. The retiring Parks Commissioner proudly announces that he doesn't like parks, and that he cut the staff by 70%. The retiring Prospect Park head proudly announces that she doesn't really like parks and doesn't go near them., but got lots of private money to build things in the park. How about people who like parks running them? Wouldn't that be novel? But that's not how things go these days. We see "management" as a skill that can be applied everywhere, regardless of any knowledge of the underlying business. Which is why there are fewer and fewer American businesses.
Meanwhile, the scenery looks great from a distance. The turtles have found places far enough from shore so that they can at least sun themselves in peace, and the nesting swans are still there. I fear for their future, and for the future of any cygnets that might hatch. Papa is more protective than ever - he bit my shoe when I got too close to the water.
Oh, as predicted, the big tree trunk has been rolled into the lake. Paddleboats are out to be rented, with danger signs posted at various places where the parks dept. can't be bothered to repair Olmstead's 1890 masterpiece.
I came home and spent time fixing up my own garden. I like public gardens, but don't know what else I can do to insure that they survive.
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