I'm off to City Hall for a 12:00 noon rally to support the humane treatment of geese. More blog on today's park excursion when I get back.
It was a great rally! Probably around 200 people - I kept trying to cont them, but they kept on moving. Plus, there was a permanently changing set of onlookers from the street, about 20 at all times. they couldn't hear us - Bloomberg denied the permit to use a mike (How to Silence Criticism 101). But the posters, t-shirts, and banners were very clear and visible - see photos - including a fantastic life-size stuffed goose with gasmask. Several politicians are taking up the cause. In addition to Eric Adams, who was at the mourning vigil, Letitia James and another gentleman whose name, I'm sorry to say, escapes me.
A group called In Defense of Animals sponsored the thing, and many other people from other groups were there and active. This geese extermination has become a national issue. It seems that geese are overpopulating many areas. This being America, the first reaction is "Kill them." Hey, we are the founders of the John Wayne School of Diplomacy (Send in the Marines!!) They plan to kill 170,000 in NY State alone, and many more along the Eastern seaboard.
Hopefully, there is now an awareness that people in general do not like mass murder of innocent animals, and, more importantly, there are other methods to control the numbers. At least, that was the feeling at the rally - that this is the start of a more humane way to deal with the problem of too many animals. There was that nice video on youtube about Seattle's humane way of dealing with their geese, and the moratorium on extermination that they currently have.
You'd think, in New York City, the greatest city in the world (objectively speaking, from a New Yorker), we can do better than sneaking in at 4 AM, collecting them, gassing them, then lying about it.
Speaking of a better way: Here's a small step that has happened in the park. The Prospect Alliance is putting up "Do Not Feed the Wildlife" signs. I saw 6 today, at the popular feeding areas, and near a fishing area.
On a personal note: I was biking today, and ran into Martin from Prospect Alliance, who told me about it. I have taken to biking as an extended rehab for my leg, now that the official rehab is over. I was an incredible cyclist when young, but not so much today. Biking, saw Martin in his Jeep, waved, called out, came to a stop near the car, fell over. No damage, just incredibly embarrassing and humiliating. Did 8 miles, worked on my turning and stopping skills, had a great time having JJ chase me on my bike around the Nethermead.
Thanks, Deb for coming to and supporting the rally for the geese! Very nice pictures with an equally nice blog entry. Its good to know there are people like yourself and the others who are looking out for the animals at Prospect Park. They sure need it after what happened on July 8th. Keep up the good work!