We were wondering how the fishing got caught in the tree, as photographed a few days ago. Mystery solved yesterday. Ber and JJ went to the park without me, and there were a bunch of kids throwing fishing line into the trees. Why, we'll never know, but Ber sat on a bench and they ran away at the sight of an adult. Ber picked up all the line, and hopefully they'll find some other, less dangerous to bird, amusement. No photos, though.
The ducks seem to be pairing off. The beautiful male mallards are back. Well, actually, as I learn more about birds, I have learned that they never went away. It seems that they molt off all those lovely teal feathers every year, then grow them back. So now they are chasing after the females, their head bobbing rhythmically as they go. The females stay in front, maintaining the same distance from a particular male, looking in every direction but back at her suitor. Some are already coupled off, others are in a big group by the Boathouse.
The snow goose seems to have taken up permanent residence in the Lullwater. Looks like it has joined up with the ducks there. I also found a net on a stick by the Lullwater. Used for turtles? frogs? fish? Don't know, but I didn't leave it where I found it.
We also met two ratting beagles on the Lullwater path. Their owner says they killed one yesterday, and thinks Bloomberg should offer a bounty of $10 per rat tail. At first, I thought it was a great idea. But you know New York. People will start raising rats for the tails.
I just loved the idea of the trash cans open and ready for business that we passed on the way to the park.
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