Saturday, August 20, 2011


That's what it seemed like in the park today. The Lake's water level has gone down some more, gradually approaching it's normal level. the storm last night brought down many, many branches. How nice that these possibly risky branches came down at night in a storm, when there was really no danger to anyone. I know that some people think these "problems" should be prevented, but I really like seeing them solved on their own. A little flooding in the park is a delightful novelty, unlike street flooding, which can be so damaging to homes, cars, people, etc. And of course, the night storms only serve to remind me of Camelot, where it only rains at night - the perfect weather situation, according to the song.

The geese seem to be always having breakfast in the two grassy fields at the Parade Ground, before going over to the lake. Probably saving the city a bundle of money in mowing costs. And Mama and Papa Swan are now in the big lake. The cygnets are probably there too, but we didn't see them. They are still a solid gray fluff, and hard for us to see. Remember, we are the ODD (Observational Deficit Disorder) people. Papa did spend some time chasing the 3 nearly grown cygnets from last year.

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