Friday, September 9, 2011

Finally, sunshine!!

For the past 3 days JJ has absolutely refused to go to the park in the rain., though we did go the 3 days before, just didn't write anything,. Finally, some sunshine! Saw Tony, who is better than us, and didn't let the rain stop him. Of course, he drives to the park, doesn't walk a mile. Just saying.

The lake is even more over its banks than it was after Irene. We saw Martin, from the Prospect Alliance, who says there is no water going in, and the drain has been on full blast for some time. He cleans the drain every day, and was happy to have a sunny day today to do it.

All the water is taking its toll on the park's trees. A lot of them have fallen down, and one is barely being held up by a stump that someone attached. Hopefully the soil will drain and the roots will re-establish themselves.

HUGE elegant stinkhorn crop all over the park - the nicest part of all this rain.

Quite a few "do not enter" places in the park, where there are downed trees. Of course, it's Brooklynites who visit the park, and we couldn't help but notice people completely disregarding every sign. Hey, it's "The People's Republic of Brooklyn" here - we don't like following directions - like the famous Brooklyn U turn that is so common. Actually, I think we have just re-interpreted traffic laws. If there's no "No U-turn" sign, then the u-turn must be legal. Lately, I notice that drivers wait for the light to go red, then do the turn through the intersection, from the right lane. Breaking 3 laws at once!!

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