Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rollerskate Marathon!!

Beautiful sky this morning - mackeral sky with hints of blue peeking through. So gorgeous!!

Apparently, NYC has a roller skate (well, rollerblade) marathon every year and today was the day. We went over to see the start. The Pros and advanced skaters do 100 kilometers! that's 41 times around the park road - I didn't figure it out, it was announced. Others do shorter rolls. So they've got 5-6 different groups, the last being latecomers. It looked like a lot of fun, especially when we saw some of them on the other side of the park when we were leaving - skating in rows, holding hands, or talking while skating. Looked like a lot of fun.

Did notice that the adults did wear wristguards, but not the small children. I remember when my kids learned to rollerblade. I learned that wristguards were the most important piece oif protection because if you fall on your knees, it's no big deal, just a scrape. But if you damage your wrist, with its 20 or so bones, it can be permanent. So I was surprised to see the kids without them. Well, I guess they're batter skaters (this was in the sort of recreational-skater section). Also, they don't have nearly as far to fall, and weighed a lot less.


  1. Hope you liked it! Can we send you the mammoth amount of rain we've been getting?

  2. Adults wear wrist guards for many reasons:
    They weigh more than kids, so the impact is
    much greater..
    Kids bones are more flexable
    Kids tend to be more atheletic than adults who learn to skate at older age.

  3. The Park loop is 3.35 miles, aka a little over 5k. So I can't really see how 100k is 41 loops.

  4. It's possible I misheard the numbers. I think it's still an impressive ride, 41 loops or 100k.
