Thursday, May 12, 2011

More about the geese

So, Dave showed me the pictures of the adorable goslings born a week (?) ago a couple of days ago. I thought it might have been a good idea to keep it quiet, but by the time I got to my computer, it was public news, with many calls for fan clubs, contests, etc, etc., etc., to make the goslings known and, hopefully, keep them from being killed. See

So here we are, hoping to keep the geese alive. There are only 4 of them, so far, and only 20-30 in the entire lake, depending on who is doing the counting. How much is the city spending on this nonsense??? Why?? This whole geese thing is SUCH a wonderful example of flushing good money down the drain. To recap: There were a lot of geese last summer, around July. The Park didn't do anything. B"berg decided to get the feds to kill them all. The feds couldn't kill the ones at Gateway, (they are federally protected) which were really too close to the airport and an actual danger so they killed the park geese - 9 miles away from the airport and resident - no danger to airplanes at all. Although I am still correcting people I meet about that. Oh, and they lied about for nearly a week. So then, a few migratory geese came and went. PANIC PANIC PANIC!! Quick!! Hire people! Oil the eggs! Chase away the geese!! Why? Damned if I know. Damned if anyone knows, but it sounds so manly and decisive. Honestly, don't we have enough problems in NYC without making the geese into another one?

I doubt that these new babies will be killed, but I could be wrong. Why do I think this? Killing hundreds of them last summer sounded so manly and dynamic. Killing 4 babies this year doesn't. I could be wrong, since logic and common sense haven't been used yet - Why start now? But seriously, use the money to pick up trash instead - so much less intrusive and more appreciated. Ah yes, less intrusive and more appreciated. So it will never be done.

Meanwhile, dogs and people are enjoying this beautiful weather in the park every day. Love to all you animal watchers.

1 comment:

  1. What is very concerning about the goose harassment (i.e. using dogs to frighten and chase them off) is that these measures usually send ALL the birds flying high in the sky in a panic.

    With planes flying low over our parks, that is practically inviting a potential bird/plane collision.

    Which, by the way has occurred today. A Jet Blue airliner had to return to JFK after hitting a "bird."

    That could be REAL BAD news for all the birds around NYC, especially geese.

    I would not feel too secure about that new goose family at PP. Doombird will mostly likely declare nuclear war on the geese now or call out the Navy Seals on them.
