Monday, May 2, 2011

Wildlife count

Today's wildlife count: 14 geese, 5 crack bags, 3 cygnets, and a beautiful big white snowy egret. No pictures - I used up my camera's battery. Very annoying. I knew the battery was getting low, and left it next to the camera. However, in the mental haze of getting to the park early, I completely forgot it. I used to be kind of spontaneous and free-spirited and remember all kinds of things. Now, sad to say, I have to organize myself in order to remember things. So I leave the things I'll need to take to the park on top of the hall bookcase the night before - glasses, camera, watch. Now it seems like that doesn't work - it takes days to develop a new habit. Something to do with getting older. Oh well, it's better than the alternative.

Amazing that they did the Sunday trash pickup, since every can was overflowing again today. I picked up a lot more than just crack bags on Lookout Hill today. There was a huge beverage tray - the kind that the delivery trucks use. And limes, so I presume that it was a full party's worth of beer. Did not see the beer cans! Guess I wasn't the only one who wanted to stay all day in the park in the beautiful weather yesterday. And it makes up for the cooler, grayer weather that we'll have all week.

1 comment:

  1. Oh god. If you would have a camera then definitely you could have taken awesome pictures. I love your craze towards nature.
