Gorgeous day after yesterday's dreary rain. 2 people and 2 dogs today, since our daughter is moving, and we took Chewie with us in an effort to exhaust him while the moving is going on. Some success. People in the Nethermead were actually standing in the sun, not the shade so happy to have some sun!
On of the cygnets is in the Lullwater, separated from the other two and quite near a couple of fishermen. We watched for a while from the bridge above them. The fishermen seemed careful and responsible.......I certainly hope so, couldn't stay forever!
Beautiful walk, breakfast from the Snack Bar in the Parade Grounds. It was a delicious breakfast, by the way, such a surprise for a park snack bar! Bacon/eggs/cheese on a roll, good coffee. We sat in the shade watching the sports action. On one side, youth football - kids that looked from about 7 to 17. amazing how some were very fit, others huffing and puffing. Nice to see them all out there. On the other side, the Cosmos had some kind of soccer game going, and we watched for a while. Better quality than the usual weekday morning crowds, but they almost never score!
The geese: The rumor is that they were "accidentally" locked up behind the Lakeside fence, and someone cut the fence to release them. However, I saw zero (0) geese today. And then there's the Ditmas Park Blog story.
Ditmas Park Blog is our local neighborhood blog. I like it a lot, as it reports all kind of things in the neighborhood. FULL DISCLOSURE: They list this blog on the side in a side column, and had a little article about me, but I liked them long before they did those things. Link: (
http://ditmasparkblog.com/news/saving-the-geese) Anyway, they list items and people comment. Most items get from 0 to 5 comments. Hot neighborhood issues (e.g. will the new Dunkin Donuts destroy the neighborhood by driving the Gourmet coffee places away?) get maybe 20 comments. SO, they had a little article about the geese.
248 comments, and then they stopped taking new comments. Not 248 people, but rather a few people on each side, pro and con the geese. Some who claims to be a law student (I think he actually works for Bloomberg) who HATES the geese, and a lot of people who love them. Makes fascinating reading, at least for a while. I think people comment like they're having a conversation. But conversations end. People get tired, or bored, or have to go to the bathroom, or even fight, ;but at some point the conversation stops. Not on the Internet. I think we all have to eventually adopt the position: I made my point. In several different ways. this idiot can't see it. I cannot convince him/her. Let it go. Of course, that's NOT what makes the Internet interesting, or so people say. Oh well.
Nice to see clean up crews out in the park, on what will sure be a picnic-filled weekend.