So I decided to check on the gosling today, but there was no sign. there was a flock of 24 geese in the middle of the South shore of the lake, then a smaller flock of 8 a little further on. As said, no sign of the gosling, but we didn't go all the way around the lake. On the weekdays, I don't like going around the Lakeside fences - you are in the road with hundreds of cars speeding to get to work. Weekends are fine, just the usual cyclists, runners, rollerbladers, scooter people, walkers, etc.
The park is looking beautiful, very lush and summery, but it's a lie. Every single on of the interesting, dense bushes along the south shore turns out to be a toilet - lots of toilet paper and heaven knows what else - I didn't look closely, but the smells were very bad, truly horrible. At first, since we watch a lot of Law and Order re-runs, we thought there might be a body, but we didn't want to look too closely. Then we thought that it might be winter stuff all decomposing at the same time, though it's a little late. Then we noticed all the bathroom sites. DON'T LET YOUR CHILD GO PLAY IN THE INTERESTING, FORT-LIKE SHRUBS!! And it's senseless, like the authorities are completely ignoring the presence of the homeless in the park. Do they think that if you ignore them they will go away? The problem is that THERE ARE NO BATHROOMS!! There are port-a-johns at the SE and SW corners, but nothing along the c. 1 mile in between. This is the piece that parallels Parkside Ave.
I tried to get a clear picture of the interesting white bird in the lake. Perhaps I need a tripod. any ideas as to species?
Other than that, nice summery day. Dogs and owners have moved to the shady spots, and they are busy fixing street signs on church Avenue.
Am explanation: Some people I met who read this say it is confusing about "where the Haitians hang out" vs. "Drummers Circle. Shall try to clearly explicate. Drummers Circle is on the E side of the park, near the SE corner, between Ocean Ave and E. Lake Drive, across from where the Parking Lot used to be before they tore it all up. For the geographically challenged: the SE corner of the Park is near the Parkside Q stop, the SW corner is at Park Circle, near the TD bank. The "place where the Haitians hang" is along the South side of the Park, next to the Rustic shelter and the fencing around Lakeside. There was once a beautifully carved old tree trunk there - a lion's head. Totally artistic and fabulous. Alas, it got burnt and destroyed over the years. Now there's a painted rock, not as fabulous as the lion but not bad. Benches are in a circle around it, and I have been told that Haitians use it for communal activities. I think I'll call it the Haitian Circle from now on. Hope this clears everything up.
Our love and best wishes to Tony, who is having some medical work done today.
I think it is a Green Heron? It doesn't make sense that it would be white then, but it does look like the profile and posture of one. I have also seen a good amount of them in the park.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree about the toilet situation. No idea what to do about it. Its so beautiful along the south shore, but so disgusting upon any closer examination.
It's a Black Crown Night Heron.