Prospect Park seems to get more beautiful and lush every day, although it's best to stay on the paths and not look into the tempting, thick shrubs. I guess that's one big difference between a park and the actual wilderness in Adirondack Park. Not that the wilderness is totally clean, but that's another story.
My daughter and her husband (and their wonderful dog Chewie) moved - not too far away, just to Foster and 29th - but it's too far for a regular morning walk in the park. I'm surprised at how much difference it makes in our morning walk. First, there's a bit of empty nest syndrome. All 3 of us miss them. Second, JJ does not really play with other dogs. She used to when when was younger, but she is 9 now, and is more protective than playful. I wonder if this is because of her age? Breed? Life experiences? training? Our attitudes? As the world's worst dog psychologist, I don't even dare to make a guess. Chewie's heart and soul was playing with other small dogs in the Nethermead. Now we go on some different routes, since we don't have to go to the Nethermead every day.
However, life is constantly changing, and we will certainly be there on the 24th, IN THE AFTERNOON, for the FIDO PUPNIC!! See the picture of the flyer, and the Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154670501269229. Off-leash, from 5 PM to Dusk, in the Nethermead, by special permission. Bring a small dish of something (check the link). I'm hoping for great weather and a wonderful turnout. Nice to see more stuff at this end of the park. Who knows, maybe there could be bathrooms and clean-up crews in our future!
Speaking of clean-up crews, did you know that they collect cars that have re-possessed just south of the park? Quite a collection. They bring them there, then load them up and cart them off somewhere. That's what the picture of the truck being loaded up is all about.
THE REALLY GOOD NEWS: Goosebuster [man,. car, dog] is gone!! Deep Throat, Anne-Katrin, and several other people verify this. He was never needed at all this year, but still it's nice that he is finally gone. Let's hope this means very good news for the 20-30 geese still happily living in the Park, and all their many fans and admirers.
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