Poor JJ was not dealing well with the heat - her coat was growing in so fast. So on Tuesday we got her shaved again, b ut thought it might be fun to give her a Mohawk/racing stripe. She looks fabulous! And feels so cool and is much happier in this summer heat. Hard to get good pictures, with the black on black thing, but I keep trying.
I was just calling it a racing stripe, but yesterday two men passed us on their way to their fishing spot. One said to the other, "Oh look, there's that Mohawk dog we saw at the store." And on Wednesday, there were two French women at the Nethermead, looking at JJ and chattering away in French far to fact for us to understand, except for the word "Mohawk."
So it's Mohawk dog now.
Daughter and son-in-law came over and taught me how to get photos from Facebook to my computer - here's the ill goose being driven to the Sanctuary in Riverhead.
We also seem to be starting a Canine Cafe on a park bench on Prospect Park West. Here's a photo of the happy patrons!
The Park geese seem to be happily needing in the Parade Grounds - 34 of them, plus there's the one lone goose near the swans.
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