Lookout Hill felt like an old-fashioned Jungle Jim today, with all the downed trees and branches. Actually, only one tree down on the hill (just before where we go down on the other side), but a few big branches and a lot of small ones. Well, they probably would have felt large if they'd fallen on us. Great fun! Especially after the two day park closing and the beautiful day today. We became law-abiding citizens years ago, and stayed out of the park while it was closed. Unlike, for example, the two brave/idiotic/foolish/? people who decided to kayak in the ocean in the middle of a hurricane and had to be rescued. At least they got summons when they were rescued. Hope the fine is HUGE! Anyway, we got some nice pictures of the fallen green stuff. Actually, it wasn't as bad as we'd feared. Irene got calmer and went off to the west a bit before she arrived, and a lot of the really weak trees were blown in the snow storm of March, 2010.
And there were no crack bags!
Lake is a bit flooded, no more than during the big rain a couple of weeks ago. The birds all seem fine. Lots and lots of dogs out.
Wooden fences surround Nethermead, mostly still standing. they were put up last week in preparation for "an event." I looked it up - there was supposed to be a huge birthday party for Michael Jackson, sponsored by Spike Lee, yesterday. When the Mayor cancelled all Sunday events, it was moved to Saturday, which at the time had a 70% chance of rain and made no sense to me. then, of course the park was closed for two days. I wonder if the party has been cancelled or re-scheduled. I know it's a tight schedule for events in Prospect Park this time of year.
Having a computer problem. Will post more photos tomorrow.
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