Terrific morning at FIDO's Bark the Herald Sing event this morning. Up[ at 6 to make the wassail. I was so nervous about doing a good job!! It was a hit!! People told me it was the best ever, and I had said that I wanted to hear that from only some of them. Dogs in costumes, Marty Markowitz came, and the best Santa ever. He and his wife and dogs come down from Massachusetts in his fantastic custom made Santa suit. We sang Christmas carols and Chanukah songs rewritten for dogs, had a beautiful cake, wassail, and mulled cider. Loads of people and dogs and a really good time. And the dogs could stay off-leash till 10 AM, not the usual 9. I'll put some pictures here, and many more on my Facebook page, open to the public.
At the request of many, here's the wassail recipe. This amount fills two large thermoses, about 8 quarts.
3 six-packs Brooklyn Brown Ale
1 1/2 cups sugar
Cheese cloth
6 cinnamon sticks
1 tablespoon whole cloves
1 cup brandy
1 cup medium sherry or port.
Warm ale, sugar, and spices. (Wrap spices in cheesecloth. ) DO NOT BOIL.
When hot, add 1 cup brandy and 1 cup sherry or port.
Pour into heated thermos(es).
Happy Holidays!!
Oh, and there was "jingle bell jog" also going on - lots of people running, dressed up as elves, reindeer, snow, Santas, etc.
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