Yesterday it was not freezing, and we went to the park especially early - saw the sunrise as we were walking, and there's a picture of it. It's the darker one.
Today, if finally feels like winter. Temperature in the 20's. I need to look for my warmer boots - sneakers are getting just too cold, even with the few minutes of running that I do. We decided to go and check out lakeside. There's a huge wooden fence surrounding it these days. Could this be to avoid comments such as I have made before about the project? I mean, if you can't see it, you can't comment. So we started to walk down the narrow path between the 1/2 mile of wooden fence and the mile or more os steel chain link fence. REALLY hope this stuff eventually gets recycled. The path started fine, then got narrower, with wooden pieces across the top getting lower and lower. Husband, who is 6'1" had to constantly stoop. then so did I, and I'm only 5'. A man driving a bulldozer called over to us that we couldn't go there. We weren't sure if he meant that we'd be physically unable or not allowed, but we were tired of stooping and came out. Turns out he meant unable. Near the end of the fence is a look-out hole, and the path comes to an end. Of course, the look-out is set up so that you really can't see anything. So there's an artist's rendition of what the completed project will supposedly look like. Well, the picture looks nice.
The lake is starting to freeze around the edges. JJ had a fine time trying to get a stick out of a frozen puddle. She kept at it for some time, then managed to break off a piece of it that was sticking out, and was very happy. I was impressed that she managed to get a "win" out of a fairly hopeless situation. Politicians should take note.
On the way home, we saw a couple of people in a truck doing things with the flags in the Parade Grounds. I asked if they were going to replace the bedraggled flag over the Police Building, the one that's been discussed in the Ditmas Park Blog. He pointed out the new flag, in it's new plastic bag, ready to be hung up. Good job! It was still too cold to wait and see it done - shall photograph it tomorrow.
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