Quiet and still his morning,. Almost no one in the park when we arrived c. 7:30 AM. Everyone sleeping late, I guess, after last night's festivities. One or two lone joggers. Fireworks papers on top of Lookout Hill - a private party, I guess, but no beer bottles or other signs of wild celebration. The Nethermead was nearly empty, but by 8:30 a fairly large bunch of dogs and owners had arrived. Blue sky, no clouds, perfectly cool-but-not-cold temperature, no wind or rain, sparkling sunlight, and the dew sparkled when the light hit it. Here's hoping this peaceful, beautiful morning is the harbinger of a peaceful, beautiful year. Stayed in the park with Tony, Mr. Cooper, and Tall Unicycler until after 9:30 (dogs back on leashed at 9, of course), basking in the glorious day.
I was told the fireworks last night were wonderful, except for the people who brought their dogs, many of whom were terrified by the noise. Or else their ears hurt. We wondered why they brought their dogs. Can't go to the park without them? The dogs are their children, and they cannot leave them alone? Thought it would be fun? ...We brought JJ with to Vermont over the Fourth, when everyone at the lake does fireworks. People loved it, but we had to put poor JJ in the car, windows closed, and a blanket to hide under, so she could get away from the sounds. DOGS DO NOT LIKE FIREWORKS!!
I'm finally posting pictures of the nice new flag outside the Parade Ground Police Station. I've been hoping for a nice brisk wind to show it in all its glory. You'd think, after the massive amounts of wind last in 2011, there's be some. Nope, not a whisper. Again, hopefully a harbinger of more peaceful weather in 2012.
Hope everyone's year is awe-inspiringly wonderful. By the way, B has done some research, and apparently the Mayan calendar doe NOT say the world will end this year. Live long and prosper!!
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