Sunday, July 18, 2010

Geese Memorial and swan family photo

Looked to be about 200 people at the Goose Memorial last night at the Gazebo. A few friendly police doing crowd control, and some politicians. The emphasis seems to be on preventing future exterminations, which I think is the absolute right thing to do at this time. There was a State Senator named Eric Adams there, who claims to have "no life at all," and is up at 3 AM reading his e-mails. He encouraged people to email him about this, at Way to go Senator Adams!!!!

Someone once very cynically described a leader as "someone who looks at where the crowd is heading and jumps in front of them." While there's undoubtedly a grain of truth there, what else is an elected official to do? Who on earth could have predicted that the geese in Prospect Park would become an issue like this? It is so outside the usual political topics of safety, schools, and taxes.

Anyway, it would be very nice if there could be some open, coordinated process to solve the geese overpopulation problem. Apparently, geese overpopulation is becoming a problem in many areas, and people seem to be inventing all kinds of solutions: border collies, red lights, fake eagles, mylar tape, nest prevention, egg treatments - google Canada geese, and you'll be amazed.

We got a nice family shot of mama swan with her babies, and of the lone sxwan chatting with a visiting friend. Lone swan seems to be coming out of his funk and getting sociable again.

Lots of equipment to repair the bridge, not no actual repair activity yet. Sorry about the double shot, but last time I tried to delete a photo, I ended up deleting the whole blog entry.

Lastly, yes indeed the other end of the lake is back where it's supposed to be.


  1. Another very fair and accurate blog entry. For those who are mot aware of humane altermatives to geese round-ups, bindings and gassings (which are both ineffective over the long haul and exceedingly barbaric and henious), we have posted several on the Facebook page specifically created to address this important social, political and animal issue. Please go to: Thank you!

  2. I have been in touch with various animal rights groups and heard back from the Humane Society today. I was told this in an email:

    Please call Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack at 202-720-3631 or email him
    and politely urge him to change the ways of Wildlife Services and to take no part in a mass killing program of geese in New York. New York City residents can also call 311 to encourage the Mayor's Office to work with The HSUS on a more humane, effective and transparent plan.


  3. Believe me or not but this is an effective harmless way of getting rid of the silly Canadian geese which fly in flocks and spoil the gardens, parks, and golf courses and backyards with their ugly poops every where.
    Geese Problem
