Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Swan family is thriving!

We did go over to the boathouse today, and there was the entire swan family, all going fine. The cygnets are quite large - almost as big as the adults. They're still covered in soft gray down, but if you look closely (which they let us do), there are some white spines interspersed - the beginnings of their white flight feathers. It takes two years to become fully white, flying swans. Here's to their good health. Papa hissed a little when I came close, more to make a statement than to ward me off, I think. There was a small family giving them popcorn, so I'm sure they'll be well-fed. The six survivor geese from yesterday are still. The funny thing was about the ducks. All of them seem to be caramel colored, which are probably the female mallards. I didn't see a single mallard male! They're the ones with the pretty teal green heads. Could they have gotten rounded up with the geese? I hope not. Will keep on looking.

It was amazingly hot, even at 8:00 this morning. The Nethermead usually has a whole knot of people in the middle, chatting while their dogs play. Today, they were all smushed together at the far, shady end.

There will be a rally this evening to remember the geese - starting at 6:30 at the gazebo. That's the little house by the lake, across the road from the Vanderbilt Playground (the SE of the Park). FIDO has on it's website a nice summary of the responses, letters, what you can do to protest, etc., about the geese extermination. Tupper Thomas says there's going to be a committee to look into what can be done about the geese in the future. At least that's what I think she's saying. It's hard to tell from the language in the letter.

Today was the start of the park's fishing competition. Not many participants so far - perhaps anger about the geese? Anyway, the secret of what is in those new storage containers was revealed - tables, chairs, little shelters, and lots and lots of fishing lines. Also some signs warning about how to fish without hurting the birds.

Rumor, Innuendo, Gossip & Hearsay Tidbits (RIGHT)
Haven't checked it out yet, but I heard that the Lakeside end of the Lake, with its new skating rinks and many plantings, is finally opened, and the Lake has been refilled at that end. There is a suspicion that protecting this area was one of the factors behind the geese extermination.

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