Thursday, June 16, 2011

??????? Geese ?????

I don't know exactly what's happening with the geese, except that I only saw 4 of them today - one swimming, three flying low. there are some incredibly wrong and misleading writings about the geese right now, now that they are molting and vulnerable. Some moron named Andrew Burman, writing for AOL travel, has an astonishing collection of misinformation about them. He claims that someone started killing the geese in 2009. WRONG! It was 2010, when there were hundreds of them in the park - too many, I thought. He claims the scandal was a few geese landing in a landfill. WRONG!! It was 100's of them being murdered in the middle of the night, with no warning, no knowledge from the parks Dept., and then the murderers lying about for a week. He claims it was an air traffic safety thing. WRONG!! The Park geese were RESIDENTIAL. This means they stayed here, flew low from one end of the lake to the other, and endangered NO planes at all. The really dangerous ones were the ones at Gateway, right next to JFK, but they are federally protected and cannot be killed.

And then there's the N.Y. Times, who have a delightful (this is sarcasm) article about how someone is planning to kidnap the c. 25 geese from the park, drive them to Pennsylvania, then kill them and feed them to some homeless people there. ARE THEY SERIOUS?? Is this the stupidist idea ever? How many hundreds of dollars will this cost, to feed some poor homeless people a bunch of stressed out geese? Do we really want our beautiful Park to become a butcher shop?

FACT: It was not the Parks Dept. who had the geese killed. It was Bloomberg, and apparently he didn't even bother to tell the Parks Dept. about it.

FACT: There are very few geese this year. There are no piles of goose poop. No geese are attacking humans. This is a beautiful opportunity for Brooklyn children to learn a little about wildlife.

The Park was beautiful today except for the complete chaos, misinformation, confusion, and possibly death of the geese.

1 comment:

  1. At this point, the misinformation in the press could fill a book. In "reporting" on the Prospect Park geese, NBC used footage from Harlem Meer, showing many geese.

    The public has been totally manipulated to think, "Its either us or the geese" when that has never been and is not now, reality.

    It reminds one of how easy it is to brainwash people when there is an agenda to target or scapegoat some group in society.
