The geese seem to be regrouping. I didn't count, but an article in the Times says there are 26 now, and I don't doubt it. They are playing nicely with the ducks and pigeons. The Times article also says that they want to get rid of about 2/3 of the geese in the Northeast. This seems excessive, to say the least. Hard to believe that in the 50's Canada geese were on the endangered species list. Apparently, people took the eggs to hatch them, and the geese laid a second time. Twice the number of goslings. Then, the taken eggs hatched but were not raised by geese parents, and didn't learn to migrate. So now, many Canada Geese do not migrate, just stay in one spot, breeding and pooping and becoming a nuisance. Also, feeding geese is very very bad, although everyone loves to do it. It just breeds more of them. Kind of like tribbles (from Star Trek).
I always tried to avoid feeding the geese in the park. My popcorn was always aimed at the swans and ducks, who always seem to need it and are not so invasive. Alas, the geese were very pushy and always got their share plus. Today, I saw people happily feeding the birds so much food that the lake edge was lined with crackers and bread crumbs. People like to feed animals. It's in our nature. Perhaps the Parks Dept. can come up with a way to accommodate this precept?
The Times article also referred to future goose killings as euthanasia. This is such a misuse of the word that I am appalled. This is the Times, after all. They're supposed to print good English! Euthanasia is mercy killing. Where is the mercy here? Absolutely nowhere. Let's use the correct word: killing, murder, or extermination. Maybe harvesting if the geese are to be used for food. But not euthanasia. The geese were not miserable and didn't need to be put out of their misery! Enough. I'm ranting.
The cygnets are growing beautifully. They are still living near the Audubon Center, swimming with the turtles.
There is actual repair work being done on the Lullwater bridge!! Nice to see!
Elsewhere in the park, the trash cans are not overflowing so much, a welcome surprise on a Sunday morning. I know there must have been a lot of people in the park on Saturday. And we found dozens of clean, new trash cans still in the Skating House. I wonder what they are saving them for? Wouldn't they be better out in the park, maybe COLLECTING TRASH!!!!!
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