But the really exciting news was the arrival of three more swans. They look to be young. Swans leave the nest after 2 years, and these look just that age. Will they stay? Hook up with the Lone Male next spring? Looking forward to the next chapter of "Swans in Prospect Park." I admit. I like them much more than the geese. The swan family is happily ensconced near the boathouse. Here's a little video of papa hissing at me and being protective as I got too close. I was hoping to end the video with a giant leap in my direction, but no. I think he knows me, and/or senses that i am not really threatening.
Also new in the park today: we saw people actually working on the bridge repairs, and a nice family taking advantage of the incredibly beautiful day (a little cooler, sunny, perfect) for a family photo op.
And here's the youtube.com address of a funny little video of geese wearing Nazi helmets and saluting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ1KRPjsbTo
Swans are beautiful creatures, but they can be quite fierce as this video showing a swan trying to intimidate a goose family shows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYFkiyNIDWU Harlem Meer had a pair of swans through the winter and part of the spring. I loved to watch them, but had to hold my dogs back as the swans were very threatening towards them. Sadly, the female swan was found dead this spring (from poison) and the male, though he languished in the park for a couple of weeks searching for her (even in the empty swimming pool) mysteriously vanished. I miss the swans, but still love the geese more. I love the way the ganders are so courageously protective of their families. They put many humans (including my now deceased Father) to shame. Thank you so much for joining the "For the love of geese in Prospect Park" FB page. I realize we all have our own preferances in animals, but it is wonderful to see even those who don't love the geese as much as other birds, turning out for them. One of the most touching things I have seen is how a mama duck at Turtle Pond would sleep with her ducklings every night just a few feet from the goose family. Apparently, the mama duck appreciates the protection that the goose family (especially Daddy) offers. Why is it we never hear these things about the geese? According to friends near Prospect Park, they don't see as many ducks after the geese were gassed. Well, ducks aren't stupid. After seeing what happened to their chums and protectors, my guess is that many took off after the massacre. Anyway, very entertaing blog. Be sure to look out for those swans. Hopefully, Prospect Park doesn't suddenly decided there are "too many."