It was amazingly hot, even at 8:00 this morning. The Nethermead usually has a whole knot of people in the middle, chatting while their dogs play. Today, they were all smushed together at the far, shady end.
There will be a rally this evening to remember the geese - starting at 6:30 at the gazebo. That's the little house by the lake, across the road from the Vanderbilt Playground (the SE of the Park). FIDO has on it's website a nice summary of the responses, letters, what you can do to protest, etc., about the geese extermination. Tupper Thomas says there's going to be a committee to look into what can be done about the geese in the future. At least that's what I think she's saying. It's hard to tell from the language in the letter.
Today was the start of the park's fishing competition. Not many participants so far - perhaps anger about the geese? Anyway, the secret of what is in those new storage containers was revealed - tables, chairs, little shelters, and lots and lots of fishing lines. Also some signs warning about how to fish without hurting the birds.
Rumor, Innuendo, Gossip & Hearsay Tidbits (RIGHT)
Haven't checked it out yet, but I heard that the Lakeside end of the Lake, with its new skating rinks and many plantings, is finally opened, and the Lake has been refilled at that end. There is a suspicion that protecting this area was one of the factors behind the geese extermination.
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