Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Back from Baltimore

Back from a terrific 3-day mini-vacation in Baltimore, where there were leaves on the trees, warmth in the air, and Spring had definitely arrived. Three days of visionary art, crabcakes, and water taxi rides across the bay. There were some Canada geese in the harbor. I tried to persuade a pair to come back to Brooklyn with me, but they said absolutely not - seems that word of the Killing Fields of Brooklyn has made it as far south as Baltimore.

I do feel as if I brought spring back with me, since we now have leaves and flowers on the trees, turtles sunning themselves on every possible rock and twig, and tons of trash all about. Come on people, pick up after yourself!! Although Candleman's corner has no candles or any trash at all now. even my little sign has been cleared away.

Only about a dozen geese in the lake these days. Interesting, since there are many news reports about how they're going to oil the eggs and see what happens to keep the population down. Down to what? I don't think 12 are nearly enough. Okay, maybe 300-400 was too many, but it's a big lake. I think we can accommodate about 100 geese in all. that's the number we should be making plans for, instead of making plans to kill and destroy and reduce the population. Parks Dept: Write 1,000 times NATURE IS GOOD, NATURE IS GOOD, NATURE IS GOOD.

I'm sure I'm getting very repetitive and boring, going on and on about how important wildlife is in city parks, but B'berg went on the other day about making the city greener. How can he order the mass killing of wildlife and want a "green" city. The man has no clue. "Green" means more than energy efficient lightbulbs. He says he wants more parks - smaller ones - that no wildlife would find inviting. His ideal park is a concrete square with two trees. Such a far cry from the beautiful vision of Olmstead and Vaux, who gave us the gems that are PP and CP!

We have our own visionary art in PP - see the beautiful silver angel in the pine tree! The haze is smoke from someone starting up a fire in BBQ Plaza.

1 comment:

  1. Concrete slab with two trees. Yep, that sounds like Bloomberg's ideal city park!

    The hilarious part is the city is supposedly spending a whole lot of bucks to create "wetlands" at towards the south of Manhattan.

    Well, wouldn't wetlands ATTRACT waterfowl -- like Canada geese?

    What then?

    Bring goose gassings to Manhattan?

    By the way, other people in your area reporting very low numbers of geese on PP lake.

    And yet, the city and USDA is still threatening to come in and kill what few are there.

    Brooklyn could become the first borough to drive its Canada goose population to extinction.
