Then, Ber took some nice pictures of a swan keeping his territory clear. A couple of days ago these two swans were swimming in parallel formation, quite close to each other. I wonder if they've had a following out or if one of the swans violated the other's personal space by a fraction of an inch. These birds are very sensitive.
The playground on the SW side of the park is almost finished. This is amazing because for about 2 years the whole area has been a big, fenced-in, torn-up, dug-up mess with nothing happening. Suddenly, tada!!, it's starting to look like a playground again! I suspect they were doing a lot of underground work, putting in a sprinkler system so the kids can keep wet and cool in the summer. Could it actually ready by summer? Or it is all a big tease? Stay tuned.
A bumper sticker I saw on the way to the park: "Imagination is more important than knowledge." My first reaction: how cool! Imagination is indeed a beautiful thing. Then I kept thinking. No, it's not more important than knowledge. They're equally important. Imagination without knowledge leads to:
Obama is the anti-christ.
I don't believe in evolution or global warming, in spite of what thousands of very knowledgeable people say.
Black helicopters are out to get me.
I understand Russia because I can see it from my doorway.
And most of the other nonsensical garbage currently being spewed by the ultra-right.
So no. Imagination is great, but so is knowledge, and let's not forget it.
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