Cayuga and entourage are back in the main part of the lake. Obviously the mini-lake provided insufficient real estate. We call the entourage caramel ducks, but that isn't their official name. They don't have an official name. Our friend the Swan Princess told us that on the official Bird Counting Day, the overseers didn't even want to count them. They're a crossbreed, between two different kinds of ducks - hence the unusual coloration. Swan Princess, like myself, believes that any census must count EVERYONE or it is useless, so they got counted as caramel ducks.
Tree down near the peninsula, blocking the road. Curious - there was a storm last night, but it was not super windy, as it was during the last big storm when so many trees went down. Many of the trees in the park are quite old - 100 years or more, so I guess there are always some on their last legs, or roots, as it were.
Nice picture of egret flying across the lake, thank you Ber. He (Ber) came around a corner and there was the egret stock still within a few feet of him. Of course by the time he got the camera ready to shoot, the bird had flown. Still, it's a pretty good and close shot.
I've been informed that last week's dead duck was a mallard. No dead animals spotted today. How nice!
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