Monday, February 28, 2011

The Kids leave home

Today, it wasn't just the sulky teen-aged swan that is keeping away from his family. The other 3 cygnets have also found their own place. There are more areas of non-contiguous open water, and the 3 have moved into their own area - no ducks or geese or coots there, just the three of them.

Previously, I had noticed that one of the cygnets did more displaying of aggression than the others - flapping its wings, lowering the neck, etc. So I think that there is one male - the first one to move out, and now his 3 sisters have followed suit. Don't know if I'll ever find out the truth about it, but it makes perfect sense to me.

If Mama and Papa nest again this year, it will be in another 4-6 weeks. A good time, now to get the young 'uns off to a good start. I just hope that neither the geese nor the Parks Dept have messed up last year's nest, since I believe they (the swans) tend to re-use nests. Very recycling conscious. Not to say anything bad about our beloved geese, but last year, after the cygnets were born, they did kind of rampage through the nesting site. And nobody knows what nonsense the Parks Department will do in the name of "management."

1 comment:

  1. Interesting about the swans. I suspect you are right that the cygnets are moving on in order for the parents to again breed. Goslings generally stay with the parents for about a year. But, then the families divide as the parents return to breeding sites. I imagine goose and swan behavior is very similar.

    Spring is definitely in the air now both at PP and Harlem Meer. All the birds are feeling their oats. Seems like a lot of "pairing off" now among the mallards and some of the geese.

    I am writing about some of this stuff, too. This is link to my blog if you want to compare notes.

    Thanks for being a positive voice for the wildlife at Prospect Park. ;) The geese particularly need it.
