Sunday, February 27, 2011

On the Personification of Spring

I've been thinking a lot about why I personify Spring as a person with intents, thoughts, plans, motivation etc. I know better. It's just weather. But when I'm in the park, I seem to revert to the animus religious beliefs that so-called "primitive" peoples, tribes, etc., have. Every force is a spirit of some kind. The really strange thing is that I am not a religious person at all. Actually, I'm kind of anti-religious. Religious beliefs, at least the big 3, have been the cause of so many wars, killings, torture, etc. Who needs them? And I usually treat the idea of god in the same way that people treat the easter bunny, the tooth fairy, Elijah the prophet coming to drink his glass of wine, the great pumpkin, etc. - a fantasy world that I have no use for. And it sometimes seems that strong religious beliefs drive logic and rational thinking right out the window. But her I am, talking about Spring being a tease, etc. Is this a cultural thing? I was, after all, raised in this world, surrounded by all these beliefs. Or is some kind of deep seated human need to explain things? Could be. Could it be that the power of abstract thought, one of the things that separates humans from other animals (as far as we know) gives rise to the need of explanation? Something that has evolved and is innate and internal, not external. It certainly feels more satisfying to attribute a spirit and a purpose to the changing of the seasons.

On Thursday, Spring was out in full force. Sunny, warmish, and the first soccer players were out in the Parade Grounds. We took both dogs to the Nethermead, and what a great time they had! There was still snow on the ground left over from the Winter Jam, and the surface had gotten quite hard and icy. Poor JJ actually hurt her paws running on it, but not badly. Chewy met two other little dogs with matching high energy and they were unstoppable. Friday: a cold, hard wintery rain. At least it wasn't more snow, like some of my Facebook friends reported from upstate and New England. Neither of the dogs would go further than 3 houses down the block!

Beautiful again today. the snow is almost gone from the Nethermead, and the ground was lovely to walk on. Note the two photos and the difference in snow coverage. The ice is gone from the steps to Lookout Hill and we went up, the first time in months. Huffing and puffing all the way, alas, but you gotta start somewhere. 9 crack bags + the accompanying sweet cigar wrappers and a bunch of string(?) Note to self: Must start carrying a bag for trash again.

Much larger area of unfrozen lake, and all the birds are spreading out a little bit. The 4 cygnets are really maturing - their beaks are a dusty rose color now, on the way from black to orange. One of them is swimming apart - the first sulky teenager to not want to be seen with the family? Oh heck, it's FUN to personify!!

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