Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Maybe you can't have too much snow, but.......

What about too much rain, freezing rain, sleet, and ice? Clearly I tempted fate yesterday, when I declared my allegiance to my new-found philosophy of never too much snow. Today, it's ice and freezing rain. Not too terrible, actually, as long as you've got on decent headgear and gloves. And walk ever sooo carefully, I'm a little terrified to cross streets - visions of slipping in the middle of them, and falling under buses. So glad we live in a city with decent public transportation. All right, IT's NOT PERFECT!!! Still pretty good. And sooooo glad to have new warm boots - see photo. Probably a bit too cute for my age cohort - a bit fake UGG, a bit fake Ed Hardy, but really warm and, even better, only $20 at Century 21. Chooka's, supposedly reduced from $140 ( checked the internet - IT"S TRUE!)Deliciously warm, that's the main thing. And funny.

Speaking of my age cohort - I was amused to read on Facebook that a friend of my daughter's who's currently working temp in an office and likes to wear vintage stuff, was going in as the perfect 50's secretary today, but couldn't brew a decent cu of coffee. I had to laugh. The 50's, my childhood...No one brewed a decent cup of coffee in the 50's. It was perked, usually badly. Ran the gamut from dishwater to mud. Instant was preferred. Not very good, but at least consistent. Only in the 60's did brewed coffee arrive - drip, and the incredible Mr. Coffee. (Oh, Joe Dimaggio, the nation owes it's gourmet coffee heart to you!!) Coffee so good that it actually mattered what you put into the pot. Anyway, I told her that her badly-brewed coffee was, in fact, the true spirit of 50's coffee.

What does any of this have to do with Prospect Park Days? Hmmmmm.

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