We get to the park at about 7:30, which we think is pretty early. Only a few dogs and people. But there's a man carrying his not-so-small pug. So of course, I made my my usual friendly-but-slightly snarky comment about whom is exercising who [or it is who is exercising whom?] Anyway, THEY have been in the park since 6, and the poor dog wouldn't walk any more. I was certainly impressed.
I was noticing that the people in the park when we arrive are definitely different from those in the park when we leave, at about 9. When we arrive, it's lots of single people - especially in a morning like this, when it's going to be pretty hot later in the day. They're doing different things - fishing, doing a puzzle, reading, napping, tai chi, drinking coffee, just watching the lake and the birds, taking pictures, but all on their own, enjoying the morning. Two separate people at the BBQ Plaza reserving for two different parties ( I asked - probably didn't need to, cuz I noticed the tablecloths were different.) All gone by 9. Then it was groups, usually with kids. Team Frisbee players, families, hikers, birders, groups of exercisers, all out in the shade. Sunday in the Park Day!!
Large bird in a tree by the Boathouse. Seemed content to sit and watch the swan family, as did we.
They've added a Spanish "No BBQing" sign in the Peninsula, along with the English signs. Not quite as pretty as the English sign, but it gets the message across, I guess. No signs of BBQing in the Peninsula since the signs went up, although I helped Tony pick up trash there today - there was a seat from a car in the bushes!! Darn, I forgot to take a picture, but it's in the dumpster now.
By the way,. Tony [FIDO] says the Parks Dept. (or the Alliance, I forget which) told him in January that the no BBQ signs were ordered and expected soon. SOON? Six months? Seems like a lot, but then there's a tot lot on the end of my block that took three years to fix up. And yet, a "New York minute" implies speed. Hmmm,
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