No longer is my English husband, descendant of aristocrats, scion of the once-ruling class, content to live with the motto "It is the duty of the working man to provide employment for the artisan." He has become quite the man of action himself. I'm not just referring to the time he crawled in through the kitchen window of the foreclosed house next door to turn off the water after a pipe burst, or the time he dealt with a man making rude comments to our beautiful daughter, or when he went in to get an abandoned grill out of the phragmites, or when he got some rope to actually remove fishing line that was caught in a high tree branch. Now he reports things in the park that need clearing up, AND THEY GET CLEANED UP!!!!!! He e-mails about things in the lake to the Prospect Alliance, and they get removed. And just yesterday, he emailed a contact about the long-dead raccoon and today, IT WAS GONE!!! Just like that!! Here are the before and after pictures. No more horrible smell! No more bit of ugliness in the beautiful Peninsula Meadow!
And even better news: there's a duck family in the lake. Happily ensconced in the middle of the appropriately named duckweed, munching away, hopefully safe from marauders, both human and geese. We had been wondering about the lack of baby ducks in the last few years, thinking it was some nefarious activity by the geese or humans or raccoons. So it was quite thrilling to see a nice duck family.
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