My imagination may be running away with me, but why not. There are so many geese these days. They seem to have totally taken over the lake. There are very few ducks, and the swans have completely moved away from the lake. Their nest is now a home for geese. The geese are starting to remind me of Nazis. Partly because they do, well, goosestep when they walk, and partly because they take over when they move in. The swans and ducks are mostly all in the water by the Audubon Boathouse, which I shall now call Casablanca. Perhaps I shall name the swans Rick and Ilsa. Anyway, the swans and ducks seem quite happy there. We watched them eating and playing for a while. Then three geese arrived, in a straight line. A scouting party. Colonel Strasse and his minions. When they came close to Papa swan, Papa spread his wings and they retreated. The geese are quite cowardly in small numbers, but brave when there are a lot of them ganging up on others. Who does this remind you of?
There were also a lot of broken duck eggs on the shore near the bridge. Two unbroken ones and a lot of shells. We thought there had been some vandals, but we looked around further and found the ducks' nest! Nicely feather lined, with lots of shells from the hatched ducklings. Nice to know that they a found a safe place to escape from the marauding geese.
Tree pruning day today. I'd love to go up in one of those cherry pickers! Looks like great fun1
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