No Park officials were there. Quelle surprise!! Their attitude about the Memorial Day mess was that it could have been a lot worse. That's like, "I'm not fat because I see people who are fatter." Pretty much a bullshit argument. Of course it could be worse. We could have a massive oil spill or Hurricane in Prospect Park.
We met lovely people and great dogs. One dog looked like she was adopting Anne, but the dog was just old and partially blind and enjoyed the quiet circle we made while talking. We got JJ's picture taken, and she'll be in next year's FIDO calendar. March 17 will be JJ's Day. Possibly also mine, since I was in the picture too. Ber is more persistent in saying no to photos than I am.
No turtles needing rescue today. Just overturned latrines AGAIN, trash barrel in the lake AGAIN, and one of the new trash cans by BBQ Plaza overturned. Pretty impressive, since it was set in about 8 inches of concrete to keep it from being moved or tilted. Hard to believe people have the strength. A vehicle? But why only one, and not the two other next to it. Inquiring minds want to know.
And the geese really seem to be taking over. Could this explain why no one has seen baby ducklings in the last 2 years? Could the geese have overrun their nests, as they've tried to do with the swan nests?
Parts of the park are becoming beautifully lush and overgrown with greenery and totally gorgeous, but i think I've posted enough pictures for today.
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