Saturday, March 26, 2011

Photos from "Hands Around the Lake"

It looked to be a pretty good crowd, maybe 200, to support the geese and oppose the Mayor's gassing of them. Dog owners and bird lovers and lots of children. State Senator Eric Adams was there, as was Councilwoman Letitia James. Also on the premises, Goose NA03, one of the two tagged geese that have recently arrived from Canada. Clearly concerned with the possible genocide against him/her, NA03 seemed very interested in the proceedings. Lots of dogs and their owners from FIDO. It was wonderful to see so many groups there. It's a shame Anne and Ed weren't there. They would have loved to see so many different groups, who sometimes disagree with each other, all out in the cold (but sunny) weather to support wildlife in NYC.

There was also Verite, a vegan caterer with yummy snacks. A woman against horse abuse, who wants the horse carriages replaced with vintage hybrid cars. Don't know if I agree, since I love the horses and love seeing them in the city. I know that they are not treated well. Told the young lady this. She didn't get angry or didactic, just gave me a flier, suggested I check out the website, and said that maybe I'd change my mind. So civilized!!! Love it!! And the swans came around. Papa was a little cranky, chasing off his children. People were very curious about the swans, and I had a fine time doing a little teaching about the swans, how to tell the cygnets from the adults, how protective the Papas are, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos and report.

    Do you know if the two banded geese have been reported to the special 800 number?

    The yellow band on goose NA03 looks very tight and uncomfortable. Geese normally turn, bend and curve necks to eat, groom and watch for predators. This cannot be good for the poor goose who appears to be a girl.
